LeadUp 1825 is a community of diverse friends who are united by shared values and who pledge to develop personal and professional leadership skills for the betterment of the cities where we live, work and play. We are a self-governing, self-financed non-profit organization.
We believe that purpose driven FUN can be experienced when like-minded people come together based on common interest and a passion to live life to the fullest.
You'll find our sign-up process easy, yet thorough. You can help our activities remain fun and comfortable for all by taking a few moments at sign-up, and again at your annual renewal, to agree to our shared values and code of conduct.
Darryl Schmidt
Step 1 Create Account
Step 2 Our Shared Values
Step 3 Our Code of Conduct
Step 4 Waiver and Release
Step 5 Verify email
Step 6 Activate My Calendar